I've done a few samples, experimenting with different waddings, fold sequence, etc. It's all been very fiddly and has aggravated the arthritis in hands, arms, and shoulders to a point every I thought the whole thing may not have been such a good idea after all. But, taking into consideration that I will not be doing more than two or three at a time once I have caught up with what days have already gone by, I have decided to continue. I don't think it's going to be as good looking as a finished article as I imagined it would be. I may divide the centre of the block diagonally. Vertical or horizontal just doesn't look right to me. And I'm having second thoughts about the aboriginal prints for the background/border fabric. If I didn't want to persist with the QAYG method, I would probably change to Drunkards Path blocks as its one of my favourite blocks and I have a 3.5" die to cut them. But then I'd be looking at a full sized quilt, and not someth...